Thursday, January 10, 2013

Already not on track....

It seems that this is always how it goes with me. I make a plan or "resolution" and it never seems to happen. I always seem to let myself get sucked back into the unimportant superficial things in life. I have found myself over this past week backing away from TV and slowing down on facebook to picking up speed again on both. Why do I let these mindless things fill my day! I have so many things I need to do and so many other things are worth my time. I did not count the exact amount of time but I know my son watched entirely WAY TO MUCH TV IN ONE DAY! And I know I spend entirely WAY TO MUCH TIME ON FACEBOOK.

I have to come up with a plan for me, him, and the rest of the family to stay on track and not in mindless crap. I do not want this to be the rest of my kids future..... lost in TV. I loved going to my grandparents house and being able to take Noah to visit because up until last Christmas when my aunts, uncle, and dad got them cable ..... there was none. They do not have internet either. So there really wasn't much to do, other than help out or entertain yourself with some of the toys grandma still has from over the years. We definitely need new boundaries for electronics in this family.

I have so many ideas, good ones I think, but I never seem to follow them. I have the greatest of intentions but fail miserably in the follow through department. I have been wanting to read the entire bible in a year for years now, I have a ton of books I want to read that I have had for years now, and I have to get back to hanging out and playing one on one more with my son. He is going to be 8 in 42 days!! All these years are going by and I feel like I am failing him. I wanted to provide him traditions and memories of different holidays and I don't know that I have succeeded at that. I have to resolve that 2013 IS THE YEAR FOR THESE THINGS TO HAPPEN! Even though I am falling "off the wagon" I have to make myself get back up and ride on.  If I fall off and say oh well I failed again, I will never get it right. I know I can go it! I just have to choose to!!

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