Sunday, June 30, 2013

Is there a "normal"?......

Normal..... what do you define as normal? When I ask that question I am referring to day to day life. I have never been good at having a "schedule" and  I keep trying to figure out why so I can fix it. I have been unable to find a definitive reason and it is frustrating because that just means I am being lazy. I am not getting up at a certain time, working out, making breakfast, etc. everyday around the same time cause I am being a bum! 

My room has been a disaster for months! I start and always end up with a basket of the little misc. things you don't know what to do with... do you keep em cause you might need them or do you just throw them away. I have always kept them until today! I went through MONTHS of mail I am sad to say.... but I feel so much better now that I have done it. The stuff I am keeping is almost all filed and it feels great! I have challenged myself to keeping my room and desk clean for 30 days! I have read that after 30 days it becomes a habit. I have tryed before to do this and only made it like a week maybe two. I don't want to be the lady with the messy house, if my husband needs something I need to know right where to go to get it. 

So I will be gone in a couple weeks for a couple days for my first ever Scentsy Convention and my goal is to start a good routine after I get back so when school starts at the end of August that we will already be in a good swing and I wont have a hard time with Noah. We struggled through this school year and I am not doing that again! I know we can do homeschooling I just have to be the mom and make it happen the right way! 

So if you happen to read this rant of mine I would ask you to pray for me. That I will be able to stick with being organized and start on a good routine. 
