Saturday, August 18, 2012

A kinda lazy Saturday.....

Well I decided I better update before I go to bed so I do not forget, this is going to be nightly thing so I can get into a routine.

Today was a pretty laid back day. Jeremy and Josh were at a real estate training class all day about flipping houses to make mucho denero and Brooke has been at a friends house enjoying the last couple nights before school starts on Wednesday.

Noah and I laid in bed literally all morning which is just fine for me cause I love having time with my little man. We got ourselves together around lunch time and headed out to a Nikki and Chris's house. Nikki wanted to see what jewelry I had because she is heading out to the Tupperware Rally tomorrow which was nice cause we had not seen them in a while. Noah had fun playing with Caitlyn and little Bailey, except for when he fell off the scooter and skinned his elbows and knees. We fixed him up with some peroxide, neosporin, and bandaids.

Later on we were invited to the park where a friends orthodontist had a party going on with food, drinks, face painting, balloons, and a movie at dark.

Noah wanted to play in the sand more than anything but mom wanted to go check out what animals the zoo had brought and found this owl!

I tryed to get Noah to get something painted on him but he said no, so Josh got something instead...

All in all it was a great day! I am so thankful to have these moments to help me remember when times seem so far away!

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