Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Getting back into blogging..... maybe?!

Well today is Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. At our church we are starting on Sunday a program called Focus 40 that our district for Church of God is encouraging all churches to participate in. I love this idea but the problem is, so did God. As soon as I heard about this I was instantly pulled in my heart to give up FaceBook. Now mind you , to some no big deal! Not me!! I LOVE FB and am on it almost ALL day, NO JOKE! It literally consumes my life at times.

I don't know why I am so worried about everyone elses life but I am. I want to know what is going on with everyone! Sometimes I think it goes back to when I was in school and didn't really have any close friends. I mean I had friends but no one that was like my BFFL! So part of me feels good inside knowing what everyone is doing because I feel involved. I feel so dumb talking about this because I feel like I am in junior high again.

Its one of those things that I know what I have to do, just not sure how to start. So that is where Focus 40 comes in. I am so excited for this time in my life, to forget the things that do not matter in life and just be in Gods presence. I really don't know what that is like and I want it so desperately. In my bible study we are just read a book called Forgotten God and the last chapter spoke about the fruits of the spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Francis Chan then went on to say, "I don't want to merely talk anymore. Life is too short. I don't want to speak about Jesus; I want to know Jesus. I want to be Jesus to people. I don't want to just write about the Holy Spirit; I want to experience His presence in my life in a profound way!" And that sums up what I want. I want to know him so well its like we live in the same in house in the same room. I want to have the fruits that I have never had before. I want HIM, all of Him and more of Him! I want to be the person walking down the street that when someone passes by they know...... wow, there is something about that girl!

So, since I am not facebooking for 40 days, I am going to be blogging. For now though it is time for bed.... I will share more tomorrow.

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