Wednesday, February 5, 2014


I never thought I would say this but I am ready for winter to be over! We have had a lot of snow days which is fun for the kids and I get that but it is causing lots of problems for me and Noah with his schooling. Having one kid in regular school and one in online school is taking its toll over the last couple months. It seems that most of the snow days have been on days that Josh is here with us. Well when Josh is here, he wants to play the PS3. That would be fine, except the child who does not have a snow day wants to play as well. He is already behind in stuff and this is just adding to the fire. I have noticed his attitude changing as well. He is getting more tudy and back talking and I have had enough.

Tomorrow he will get a list of stuff done, no questions asked. I am so fed up and stressed out it is ridiculous. I know I am part of the problem as I can NOT keep a schedule to save my life with child but he wants to do school at home so we have to find a way to work this out and work together!